Rhino Dispells Metal Building Insulation Myths

Released on: February 29, 2008, 3:12 am

Press Release Author: Bruce Brown

Industry: Construction

Press Release Summary: RHINO STEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS, Denton, Texas - Many potential
buyers of steel buildings believe that they are difficult to insulate from the

Press Release Body: RHINO STEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS, Denton, Texas - Many potential
buyers of steel buildings believe that they are difficult to insulate from the
weather. "This is absolutely not true," according to Bruce Brown, president of
Rhino Steel Building Systems. "We have several effective methods of insulating our
pre-engineered buildings, and none greater than our newest insulation package, named
the Rhino Pro Value Insulation System. "Many of the problems with insulating
pre-fabricated steel buildings has to do more with errors in installation than
anything else. It's true, that the entropy (or temperature migration) of steel is
far greater than wood, and if improperly installed, exposed metal purlins and girts
can import extreme temperature from outside the building. The Rhino Pro Value
package includes the use of insulators and the almost complete filling of the purlin
and girt cavities that virtually eliminate temperature transfer. Additionally, a
special liner fabric protects from condensation that can plague metal buildings not
otherwise protected. "We offer other types of insulation that are also effective
and can provide helpful installation tips as well," Brown says. One added bonus
of the Rhino Pro Value System, has to do with a special low maintenance vapor
barrier that covers the otherwise exposed purlins and girts. If this is installed,
it creates a professional "finished look" to the interior eliminating the need for
painting or covering the interior with more expensive and less effective materials.

Web Site: http://www.rhinobldg.com

Contact Details: Rhino Steel Building Systems
4305 I-35 North * Denton, Texas 76207
940-383-9566 Fax: 940-484-6746
Toll Free: 1-888-320-7466

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